Welcome to Upland Heritage 36th Anniversary!
Welcome and thank you for visiting Upland Heritage's website. Welcome to our 36th year of saving historic homes and buildings in Upland! During those years we have accomplished many goals of surveying and putting on the register over 900 homes and hundreds have the Mills Act, a tax break for historic homes. After much work and signatures we have nine historic districts and ordinances to protect our homes. But, we have much work left to do. We have many ways you can help us further our goals of fostering awareness of Upland's fascinating history and preserving the amazing historical architecture that still remains in our beautiful City.
The first way to help is by becoming a member and the second is by volunteering or attending our many fundraisers. Your generous donations help us pay the annual operations cost necessary to run a nonprofit and additionally help us give away $10,000/year in matching grants for much needed historic restoration to homeowners living in Upland, the beautiful City of Gracious Living. So please don't forget to renew your membership below. Look at our 2025 calendar for this year to see our exciting monthly events.
Carol Timm,
At Upland Heritage, our mission is to preserve Upland's vibrant history by researching, documenting, and sharing community history and traditions.